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By Graham Potter | Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Ben Thompson, who is in Queensland enjoying a break from race riding, will head back to Hong Kong shortly to prepare for the start of what he hopes will be his first full season in that highly competitive racing precinct.

“I go back in two weeks,” confirmed Thompson. “I’ll get there before the barrier trials start. I’ll start to get back in the groove before the first meeting which is September 8 … and then the family (Steph and Harry) will head there two weeks after me.”

When Thompson originally got the call with the offer to ride in Hong Kong earlier this year, he had to get there almost immediately, so any meaningful preparation was not possible and he knew that, career-wise, he was essentially stepping into something of an unknown and would have to start from scratch.

This time he knows more.

“I think for that reason, it is exciting going back and starting a fresh season on a clean slate,” said Thompson, “as opposed to getting there into the second half of the season when, albeit being a fan of Hong Kong racing, it was still a case of stepping into unfamiliar territory.

“I’ve received great support … especially as the season went on … in particular from the likes of Jamie Richards, Michael Chang, David Hayes and Mark Newnham, so hopefully we can build on those relationships and make the most of the opportunities we get.

“Mark had a brilliant first season and is starting off his second season. Jamie Richards is just getting into his third season. We are all trying to make our mark there. Fingers crossed things go as we hope.

“To get this opportunity from the Hong Kong Jockey Club is one money can’t buy … and I’m certainly trying to make the most of it because the potential involved in the opportunity could be life changing.

“At this stage, I’m just grateful for being there.

“I’m licensed for the first three months of the new season, up until the International meeting in December,” continued Thompson.

“My first contract was eight weeks. I went there as a relief rider for Vincent Ho, who was out injured at the time. Eight weeks turned into twelve weeks and then ended up being the five months through to the end of the season.”

Small steps, maybe, but all of a positive, progressive nature.

“I then applied to be given a license for the new season and was given a three-month license … and, if I can ride some winners, hopefully, that’s extended,” said Thompson.

“We’ll see how we go.”

And what does Ben’s wife, Stephanie, have to say about Ben’s upcoming challenge.

“Going to Hong Kong was an offer that neither Ben nor I could ever think of knocking back,” said Stephanie Thompson.

“Once you are there, it is not an easy place to break into, but Ben got seven winners in the first five-and-a-half months which was a big effort. A lot of them were long shots as well. There were eleven seconds as well. The seconds did get a bit frustrating.

“Everybody wants tioride there, so when the opportunity is there, you take it.”

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Ben Thompson ...
Ben Thompson ...
Looking forward to the challenge the new Hong Kong racing season presents

Photos: Graham Potter and facebook
Looking forward to the challenge the new Hong Kong racing season presents

Photos: Graham Potter and facebook
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