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By Graham Potter | Thursday, June 6, 2024

Racing industry participants in Queensland are awaiting the public release of the findings of the Independent Review into the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) commissioned by the Queensland government’s Racing Minister Grace Grace.

They are waiting, but not holding their collective breath, as the release is already overdue with no resolution in sight ... both in terms of whether the findings will ever be released in full or what timing might be involved in any related process.

The only movement has been within the QRIC organisation itself with the QRIC Commissioner, Shane Gillard, resigning his post. Gillard’s deputy, Natalie Conner, resigned earlier in the piece ... and that dual departure is of some significance.

In essence though, the need for the review in the first place had more to do the culture, practises and cost of QRIC than with individuals so, while many will agree, up to a point, with Gillard’s parting words (as reported by Racenet) ... that, ‘Queensland Racing Integrity Commission requires a "full reset’ ... and ‘refreshed leadership,’ ... many would like to see the matter taken much further than that with the Racing Integrity Division being detached from the State Government and placed back directly under racing’s jurisdiction.

There are alsp plenty who would favour going back to having three separate racing codes.

Sadly. the Racing Queensland authority itself though is not free from the vagaries of politics, with the CEO being appointed by the sitting government ... and racing is expected to bounce around like a beach ball every time there is a change of government ... as might be the case again later this year ... with the debilitating flow on effect that has on racing’s stability.

What other large industry that contributes so much to the economy and employment figures suffers a similar fate ... and so why should racing be left to battle a policy that has failed it over the years?

But that is another story ... although it does reinforce just what a strong current racing is swimming against.

For now, though, Minister Grace Grace has to step up and release ... in full ... the findings of the KPMG Review of QRIC so that stakeholders can at least get a sense that someone is truly ... and openly ... working on the problem without trying to short-change stakeholders by keeping them in the dark and by blurring the lines of information.

Actually working on it, not talking about it.

Only full disclosure will satisfy that need.

Just as a reminder, at the time that the review into QRIC was announced last December, a review which was due to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2024, Cameron Partington, spokesman for the Thoroughbred Alliance (Trainers, Jockeys, Breeders & Owners Associations) issued a statement which, in part, read ...

‘We believe that a significant change in the culture and management style of QRIC is urgently needed and are hopeful the independent review will assist in determining this.

‘The industry needs and deserves a much-improved working relationship within QRIC, both internally amongst their own people, and externally with its partners being industry participants and the Racing Queensland administration.’

And that was without the serious concerns about the cost of running QRIC even being mentioned.

So, here we are now ... heading towards the half-year mark ... and none the wiser.

And a sorry comment about these proceedings is that nobody involved in racing is surprised ... not surprised at all!

It just seems like business as usual.

Who knows how long Grace Grace will still be the Racing Minister ... the polls (which are not always accurate) are not good her for party ... but she has a chance to do some good for her racing constituents here and set a new standard in communication concerning racing industry matters between authorities, stakeholders and participants.

Is she up to it?

We will, of course,find out sooner or later ... or later ... or later, but, as already stated, nobody is holding their breath.

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Queensland Racing Minister Grace Grace ... she was applauded when she called for an official review into QRIC. Now she must follow thorugh and release the findings

Photo: Graham Potter
Queensland Racing Minister Grace Grace ... she was applauded when she called for an official review into QRIC. Now she must follow thorugh and release the findings

Photo: Graham Potter
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